MASTERWOOD gets the access to the European Fund
The internationalization strategy of Masterwood keeps going straight ahead thank to the project presented to the EU for the year 2017/2018. The project is in line with the commercial and marketing proposition in the industry plan and it specificaly concerns the organization of the main exhibition and tradeshow events where Masterwood is present.
The relevant purposes are:
- Brand awareness improvement
- Reinforce the relationship with our wide sales network
- Strengthen and increase the market share
The approval gets the access to the financing by PRO FESR Emilia Romagna, cofinanced by the European Fund for regional development, and sponsored by Repubblica Italiana and Emilia-Romagna region. Thanks to this asset, Masterwood increases the investments for the tradeshow events in the main foreign markets for the woodworking industry as: Poland, Spain, France, Germany, United Kingdom and Australia. The main consequence is the the lead generation and sales increasing in those markets. In addition, with a further investment, Masterwood reinforces its brand awareness in the world thank to the standardization and coordination of the design and graphics displayed in each stand.